Success Suresh Your Success is My Mission Wed, 21 Jun 2023 02:51:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 How to be 1% Better Every Day Wed, 21 Jun 2023 02:51:36 +0000 Read More

“Compounding is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.” — Albert Einstein

The quest to become a better version of yourself often feels like a roller coaster ride. It’s hard. And it’s usually so uneven. You can end in failure. But life is a journey, not a marathon, so you always have another opportunity to restart and improve.

Many people practically look out for secrets, tricks, and hacks that will make EVERYTHING better right now. But unfortunately life doesn’t work that way. There are no “overnight successes”. Think of all the incredible people you truly admire. They didn’t succeed becasue of one giant move, but rather a series of small and consistent actions over time.

Stop aiming for radical personal change!

“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” — Stephen Covey

A magic bullet cannot save you! You’ve got to embrace the process and enjoy it. You can’t escape the hard work it takes to get better. Every incredibly successful person you know today has been through the boring, mundane, time-tested process that eventually brings success. So, stop looking for “quick hacks” that bring faster results.

Instead of reading every self-improvement post for the one golden tip that will make you superhumanly efficient, focus on doing the actual work that needs to be done. You can inspire yourself to take action. The hard, long process is the only way though. You can’t achieve tremendous life success with a quick fix. Nobody gets it that easy.

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Career Success Path: Goal Setting Wed, 21 Jun 2023 02:45:19 +0000 Read More

Are you ready to embark on a journey of success? Setting goals is like having a roadmap that guides you towards your dreams. It’s time to take charge of your career and create a path that leads to fulfillment and growth.

🎯 The Power of Goals 🎯

Setting clear and meaningful goals is the first step to unlocking your true potential. Goals provide focus, motivation, and a sense of direction. They help you prioritize your efforts and keep you on track, even when challenges arise. By setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, you set yourself up for success.

🗺 Mapping Your Career Path 🗺

Imagine your career as a journey through uncharted territory. What destinations do you want to reach? What skills do you want to acquire? Take some time to reflect on your aspirations, values, and passions. Consider both short-term and long-term goals to create a comprehensive career map.

✨ Defining Your Objectives ✨

Your goals should be tailored to your unique aspirations and circumstances. Do you want to climb the corporate ladder, explore a new field, or become an entrepreneur? Think about the skills, experiences, and knowledge you need to acquire along the way. Break down your ultimate goal into smaller, achievable objectives.

🚀 Aim High, Start Small 🚀

Dream big, but remember that goals are best achieved through incremental progress. Start by setting small milestones that lead to your larger objectives. Celebrate each accomplishment along the way, as they fuel your motivation and confidence. Remember, success is built upon a series of small victories.

🌟 Your Turn to Take Action 🌟

It’s time to grab a pen and paper, and start charting your career path. Visualize your goals, write them down, and commit to taking action. Share your aspirations in the comments below and let’s support each other on this incredible journey to success!

Congratulations on taking the first step towards your career goals! Now, it’s time to turn those dreams into reality. Here’s a checklist to help you stay focused and motivated along the way:

✅ Define your goals clearly: Write down your goals in specific, measurable terms. Be as detailed as possible to bring your vision to life.

✅ Set deadlines: Assign realistic timelines to your goals. Deadlines create a sense of urgency and help you prioritize your tasks.

✅ Break it down: Divide your goals into smaller, actionable steps. Each step brings you closer to your ultimate objective.

✅ Develop a plan: Create a roadmap with milestones and strategies to achieve each step. Adapt your plan as needed.

✅ Seek guidance: Reach out to mentors, coaches, or trusted colleagues who can provide guidance and support. Learn from their experiences and seek advice when facing challenges.

✅ Stay accountable: Regularly track your progress and hold yourself accountable. Reflect on what’s working, adjust strategies when necessary, and celebrate achievements along the way.

✅ Embrace resilience: Remember that setbacks and obstacles are part of the journey. Stay resilient, learn from failures, and keep moving forward.

✅ Revisit and revise: Regularly review and reassess your goals. As you grow and evolve, your goals may need adjustment. Embrace change and update your career map accordingly.


You’ve set your career goals and taken the first steps towards achieving them. But remember, the journey to success is not always easy. It requires determination, resilience, and a growth mindset. Here are some thoughts to keep you motivated along the way:

🌄 Embrace the Journey 🌄

The climb to success is as important as reaching the summit. Embrace the challenges, setbacks, and moments of uncertainty. They provide valuable opportunities for growth, learning, and self-discovery. Remember that every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your dreams.

🚀 Harness Your Potential 🚀

Believe in your abilities and tap into your full potential. Cultivate a growth mindset that allows you to view failures as opportunities for learning and improvement. Continuously seek new knowledge, refine your skills, and push beyond your comfort zone. Your potential is limitless.

💡 Stay Focused and Flexible 💡

While it’s essential to stay focused on your goals, also be open to new possibilities and unexpected opportunities. Sometimes, detours can lead to even greater achievements. Adaptability and agility are key traits on the path to success.

👥 Build a Support System 👥

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your aspirations or have similar career paths. Collaborate, network, and learn from each other. Supportive relationships provide encouragement, inspiration, and a sense of belonging.

⭐ Celebrate Milestones ⭐

As you progress on your journey, pause and celebrate each milestone you achieve. Acknowledge your hard work and the growth you’ve experienced. Celebrating milestones fuels your motivation and reminds you of your capacity to succeed.

🌟 You’re On Your Way to success! 🌟

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How To Become Ridiculously Self-Aware In 20 Minutes Sat, 13 Oct 2018 18:09:41 +0000 Read More

Four years ago my sister got me something that would dramatically alter the direction of my life.

In fact, it was probably the most influential gift I’ve ever received.

It would help me find my true calling, become a writer at the Huffington Post, and go on a 5-month road trip across America by myself.

You know what it was?

One of these…

A journal.

A freaking journal.

Here are 4 Life-Changing Benefits Of Daily Journaling

You’d think that sitting down and putting pen to paper wouldn’t be that life-changing of a practice.

In this article you’ll learn four things..

  1. Why journaling’s the secret to not getting angry/upset much anymore.
  2. How it can show you why certain strategies work and don’t work.
  3. How writing can teach you to be more “present” in your everyday life.
  4. How journaling will help you become incredibly self-aware (the MOST IMPORTANT benefit by a long-shot).

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How to Supercharge Your Learning and Self-Improvement Sat, 08 Sep 2018 19:30:02 +0000 Read More

One of my favorite pieces of ancient wisdom comes from the Stoic philosopher Epictetus:

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

Sure, that may not be the real reason we have two ears and one mouth, but it reveals a useful pattern that we see repeated in communication in general.

Communication essentially has two parts: transmission and reception. These will manifest differently depending on the medium, but the general scheme is the same.

  • Textual Communication: writing and reading
  • Verbal Communication: speaking and listening
  • Pictorial communication: displaying and viewing

Simply Put, 2:1 Is Key

If we expand Epictetus’s aphorism into a suggestion for how to more effectively communicate, we get something like the following:

When it comes to communication, you should work hard to receive twice as much as you transmit.

In other words, you should listen twice as much as you speak, read twice as much as you write, and pay twice as much attention as you receive. Let me unpack that last one a bit actually, as it’s a bit complex.

When around others, we can either be looking to get attention, or we can be paying attention to those around us. The difference between the two is just like the difference between talking and listening — though it expands far beyond the realm of verbal communication. It’s about your attitude as a communicator — your purpose for communicating. And a 2:1 ratio helps to remind us that we should be communicating in a way that helps to enrich us, and to build relationships.

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